About me

I'm a writer based in the Isle of Harris in Scotland.

I'm the author of The Leipzig Affair, a novel set in the former East Germany, which was serialised on BBC R4’s Book at Bedtime. The Leipzig Affair won the Virginia prize and was shortlisted in the Saltire awards. I've also published short stories and poetry, two books about whisky, and Outside Verdun, a new translation of Arnold Zweig's first world war masterpiece Erziehung vor Verdun.

I'm a journalist, writing trainer and content creator as well as an author. My byline has appeared in a range of newspapers and magazines, including The Times, The Herald, the Press & Journal, the Financial Times, the West Highland Free Press, the Linguist, Handelsblatt and the Stornoway Gazette. I used to run a European investment magazine, and I now provide writing training to fund professionals among others to help them write with clarity and concision.


Highly Recommended

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.


Incredible Service

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.



Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.



Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.
