Contact details

For copywriting, writing training and translation enquiries, please email me or use the contact form.

For book equiries, please contact my agent, Kevin Pocklington at The North:

The North Literary Agency
The Chapel
Market Place
NE45 5AW


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Highly Recommended

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.


Incredible Service

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.



Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.



Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.
