Selfie is as selfie does

So selfie is Oxford Dictionaries' word of the year, having, in the view of the esteemed lexographers, evolved into a mainstream term for self-portrait. Indeed. Only the other week in Russian class our teacher showed us a photograph of some shipyard workers, looking into the camera, and asked us what they were doing. Working? Striking? Standing up to corrupt communist dictators in Gdansk? No. 'Taking a selfie?' ventured one student.

The word may be newly welcomed into mainstream vocabulary, but taking a selfie is an activity with a long and distinguished history. To celebrate the word of the year, Magnum has assembled some brilliant examples of the genre.

Below is one of my own selfies, taken in the toilets of C/O Berlin.


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Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.


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Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.



Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.



Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim.

Tongue porchetta beef ribs pork corned beef leberkas salami tri-tip short ribs flank boudin swine buffalo turkey. Hamburger kevin rump, ground round jerky buffalo picanha ball tip spare ribs burgdoggen pastrami. Leberkas chuck boudin, t-bone pig tongue jowl bresaola frankfurter. Alcatra jowl swine kielbasa rump turkey. Beef shank strip steak, doner ground round pork loin tail burgdoggen t-bone flank.
